Saturday 5 March 2011

Oscars Fashion ROUND-UP!

I love fashion. What I most look forward to about these big red carpet events are the costumes, and looking to see how everyone will dress up:) So, lets go back to last weekend and take a look at the ups and downs of the fashionista night (cheesy, I know!)

Natalie Portman - baby bump and all - came out onto the carpet in a long, beautiful purple dress, with gorgeous heels. Have to say, I love the dress... although I'm not exactly crazy about the neckline, but it was perfect for the occasion, and, suited her very well. Thumbs up! 7/10 from me.

Jennifer Hudson arrived looking like a present, I felt Christmas all over again. The look was nice, and certainly suited her figure, but the material of the dress didn't look particularly comfortable or appealing. Her hair was gorgeous though. I give it a 5/10!

Michelle Williams wore a gorgeous sparkly Chanel number. Although it may have been simple, it suited her perfectly and she looked absolutely stunning. Would have loved to see something a bit more outgoing though, or at least a nice accessory to accompany the look. I'm thinking 7/10!

Host of the night, Anne Hathaway, arrived in her 'signature' color, red but, there are no doubts that she looked stunning. The roses on the side of her dress did confuse me however... Also, would have loved to see her hair down and flowing, maybe next year! 8/10 is my verdict.

Little princess of the night, Hailee Steinfeld look absolutely adorable. Between her sparkly frock, matching shoes, purse and sparkly headband showing off a glamorous updo, I wouldn't know what to fault! 9/10!

Scarlett Johansson looking stunning in purple lace. I have to admit, I'm not going wild about some of the more see-through parts of the dress, but overall, great look - for her. 7/10 in my personal opinion.

Reese Witherspoon gets my award for classy lady of the night. Personally, I think she looked incredible, with her updo and gorgeous floor-length dress. However, I do think she may have played it just a little bit too safe. With her figure, she could pull off most things which is why I give her 8/10.

Sandra Bullock was oozing with class through her choice of frock. Not lovin' the neckline, or the material, but it did suit her very well. 7/10...

And last but not least, my personal favorite of the night... Amy Adams. Although she was not the only one in sparkles, she did it RIGHT. Choosing a midnight blue for her frock, and the perfect accessories, I think she look outstanding. 10/10!

The Oscars 2011 Fashion Round-UP.

Live, Laugh, Love<3


  1. Anne Hatheway and Jennifer Hudsons dress was truley beautiful!!!

  2. My favorite was Amy Adams', but yes, they were gorgeous!:)
